Lockdown Lunacy and the “Masked Covidians.”

January 11, 2023
Bob Biermann & Jim Calhoun

Today, Bob Biermann and guest host Jim Calhoun share ways that we can start breaking free from the society that gives us lockdowns and so much covid nonsense and phony science. Jim shares that we can start building a solid society around our family, faith, and like-minded people so we can function in a world that may "cancel" us and make living difficult. It happened in 2020, it can (and will) happen again. Now, do you believe in this ministry? If you do, you can keep us on the air and as a podcast by visiting our website, https://truth2ponder.com/support. You can also mail a check payable to Ancient Word Radio, P.O. Box 510, Chilhowie, VA 24319. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to this ministry.

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