No God But One

September 18, 2022
Pastor Jack Ward

1 Samuel 4:11 And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain. The people of God failed. They trusted in the false leadership of Hophni and Phineahas. They died and the Ark of the Covenant was taken. The Ark that was given at the time of Moses and was still in possession by the Israelites and only disappeared before the Babylonian captivity. 2 Maccabees says that Jeremiah hid it before the Babylonian captivity. We do not know where the Ark is today. IN Revelation 11:19 the ark is in heaven. We don’t need the Ark today. The Ark symbolized God’s presence. Since Pentecost the Holy Spirit indwells each believer. This is a story about the power of God over the gods of this world….all gods….. those we invent and those real.

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