Last Days Living

March 29, 2020
Pastor Jack Ward

We are NOT in the eternal state right now. We live in a fallen sinful world. How can we expect anything but the results of OUR sinful state? We did this to ourselves. But God in His mercy chose to save man-kind instead of destroying us. No one would rather not exist. We all would rather live with the chance to trust in Gods provision for our sin…… or reject Him and pay the penalty for our sin. We would all choose life no matter how it ends up. For those in hell would it have been better to not have been born? No… even in hell they have to admit that God was good to them, gave them life and gave them every opportunity to repent. Dante’s inferno describes the spirit of man to live and live his own way…I would rather rule in hell than serve God in heaven! Trouble is….. there is no ruler in Hell! But we have a Savior, who lives, and who is our entire reason for being. So How do we live in these interesting days?

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