False gods In The Bible
March 17, 2024
Pastor Jack Ward
3/17/2024 Psalm 95:3 FALSE GODS THAT STILL INFLUENCE MANKIND TODAY There are many false “gods’’ of mythology. Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Pheonicians, Caannaites, Assyrians, Greeks and other middle eastern peoples are responsible for the vast majority of these false gods which number in the Hundreds. Many are the same god only with different names in different cultures. I am only going to mention the ones that are in the Bible and two with the Catholic church. The reason is that if the word of God mentioned them …..they first of all are Real. Secondly they are still active today. The others may be real or not and we are certain that many false gods are in the world that are not mentioned in the Bible. But these may or may not be active today. And they may be operating under different names but are really the same false gods mentioned in the Bible. Psalm 95:3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
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