Series: A Moment of Truth

June 08, 2024
Dr. Theresa M Bell

What was really going on with Jonah? Why did he not want to go to Nineveh? Often, when this story is told, we focus on the dramatic rescue of Jonah being saved in the belly of the great fish. However, we rarely discuss why or how Jonah ended up there in the first place. The truth about Jonah is not a feel-good message designed to fill offering plates or church pews. Instead, his story serves as a powerful lesson for anyone walking in disobedience, encouraging them to turn from their wicked ways and fulfill God's call for their life. Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh because he harbored deep animosity toward its people. He did not want them to be saved. Jonah admitted to God that he knew God would have mercy on the Ninevites, and he resented this possibility. In chapter one of the book of Jonah, we see Jonah paying a fare to board a ship heading to Tarshish—deliberately going in the opposite direction of God's command. Jonah's disobedience caused havoc in the lives of the mariners on the ship. They lost cargo, money, and possessions—losses they would not have incurred had Jonah not boarded their boat. Jonah's selfish disobedience brought them to the brink of financial ruin. In chapter two, Jonah finds himself in the belly of a great fish. It is only then that he prays to God, essentially throwing a pity party from within the fish. In chapter three, God speaks to Jonah again, reiterating His original command for Jonah to go to Nineveh and deliver His message. In chapter four, Jonah angrily confronts God, expressing his displeasure that God would save the Ninevites. God then points out that Jonah's priorities are not aligned with His divine plan. Subscribe and click the notification bell to stay updated on new messages as they are posted. If the content inspires you, please like it, and share it if you believe it will inspire others. Remember to stay encouraged.

Episode Notes

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