John 4: 1-26 A Well, A Woman and a Prophet

Series: The Gospel of John

October 14, 2024
Pastor Mike

This sermon explores the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, highlighting how Jesus breaks social and cultural barriers to offer spiritual truth and salvation. The sermon contrasts this encounter with Jesus' earlier conversation with Nicodemus, emphasizing Jesus' willingness to engage with all people regardless of their background. It delves into the themes of living water, true worship, and the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah.

Episode Notes

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide

Day 1: Breaking Barriers
Reading: John 4:1-9

Devotional: Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman reminds us that God's love transcends social, cultural, and religious boundaries. As you read, reflect on the barriers that exist in your own life.
Are there people or groups you avoid or judge? Consider how Jesus intentionally crossed these lines to offer living water to all.
Today, pray for the courage to extend God's love beyond your comfort zone, and look for an opportunity to show kindness to someone you might normally avoid.

Day 2: Living Water
Reading: John 4:10-15

Devotional: Jesus offers the Samaritan woman something far greater than physical water - He offers living water that satisfies the soul eternally. In your own life, what are you relying on to quench your spiritual thirst?
 Material possessions, relationships, or achievements can never fully satisfy. Take time to meditate on Jesus' words and ask Him to fill you with His living water. Consider areas in your life where you're seeking fulfillment outside of Christ, and surrender those to Him today.

Day 3: Truth and Grace
Reading: John 4:16-18

: Jesus demonstrates both truth and grace in His interaction with the Samaritan woman. He acknowledges her sin without condemnation, creating space for honesty and transformation. Reflect on how God has shown you both truth and grace in your own life. Are there areas where you need to embrace His truth more fully?
 Or perhaps you need to extend more grace to yourself or others? Pray for the wisdom to balance truth and grace in your relationships, just as Jesus did.

Day 4: True Worship
Reading: John 4:19-24

Devotional: Jesus reveals that true worship goes beyond physical locations or religious traditions. It's about connecting with God in spirit and in truth. Examine your own approach to worship.
 Are you more focused on external practices or internal attitudes? Take some time to worship God today, focusing on His character and your relationship with Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into deeper, more authentic worship that transcends mere ritual.

Day 5: Revelation and Response
Reading: John 4:25-26, 39-42

Devotional: Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman, and her response leads many in her town to faith. This reminds us that personal encounters with Jesus are meant to be shared.
Reflect on your own journey of faith. How has Jesus revealed Himself to you? Consider sharing your testimony with someone today, whether it's a dramatic conversion or a quiet realization of God's presence in your life.
Pray for opportunities to be a witness, just as the Samaritan woman was to her community.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC