1 Peter 2_4-12, Living Stones and a Royal Priesthood

Series: 1 Peter

August 24, 2024
Pastor MIke

What an awesome Privilege to live in God's will for us. With that privilege comes great responsibility as well.

Episode Notes

Our whole point of existence is to Praise the Name of God to the lost, proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ- first to those closest to us, then our neighborhoods/communities and finally to the World as a whole.
Supporting Missionary works abroad and when called, going, ourselves to foreign lands to proclaim the Gospel.
This privilege of being grafted into the Family of God is so powerful to Peter, he draws directly from Exodus to drive home his point.
The NT Church is a “Royal Priesthood” and a “Holy Nation”
The NT church does not replace Israel as God’s Chosen, but rather joins with Israel as the worldwide extension of Gods Chosen people.
Nor has America replaced Israel as Gods chosen Holy Nation, but rather has been the launching point of Gods mission to spread the Gospel throughout an ever growing world population.
We should recognize that privilege and HUGE responsibility God has blessed us with.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC