KTCG - 05.11.2021

Series: Keep the Conversation Going

May 11, 2021
Dave Smith

A follow up conversation based upon Frank Foreman's message, "Eats with Sinners" from Mark 2:13-17. If you didn't get a chance to hear that message yet, be sure to listen to it: https://bit.ly/33xviFx

Episode Notes

This week we want to keep the conversation going by wondering what it was like for Levi/Matthew to hear those words, "Follow me." What had prepared him for that moment, past guilt, present shame, or just a heart longing to leave that life behind?

We'll also follow up and discuss the challenge that Frank shared with us at the end of the message to, "Pray, meditate, and discuss how we as a church can more effectively eat with sinners."
  • What would that look like for our church?
  • What would that look like for you?

Please feel free to chime in with your feedback, questions, etc.

Content Copyright Belongs to New Horizons Christian Church