Follow Up with Clay - 07.31.24

Series: Band of Brothers

July 31, 2024
Clay King

Follow up devotional thoughts from our Band of Brothers Study on July 31, 2024.

Episode Notes


RECAP: (1st Peter 3) Men are called to lead, protect, and provide. It does not mean that men are smarter, have more integrity, or are more valuable.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

RULE TO LIVE BY: Remember that before she was your wife, fiancé, and/ or girlfriend, she was and is His daughter...joint heir in the Kingdom of God.

MOSES (to pull or draw out)

A quick summery of Moses’ life in Exodus

Chapter 1 : Joseph and his brothers have passed away, but there were seventy (70) descendants of Joseph still in Egypt.
vs. 7 “The people were fruitful, multiplied, and became increasingly strong”.

At that point, the Hebrews had a powerful presence in Egypt. There was a new king who knew nothing about Joseph, or what he’d done for Egypt. He thought the Hebrews had become too mighty and that there were too many of them. His fear was that the Hebrews would join the enemies of Egypt and defeat them. That fear led him to take away the freedom of the Hebrew people, make them slaves, and treat them harshly. Despite being enslaved, the Hebrew people continued to multiply. The new king then ordered that every son born to the Hebrews, would be cast into the Nile.

Chapter 2 : Moses was born and his mom hid him for 3 months. After realizing that she could hide him no longer, she made a basket to float him down the Nile.
Many call that basket, an ark. This mean a place of protection, just as the Ark Noah built, protected his family.

This basket would protect baby Moses from drowning in the Nile.

Pharaoh’s daughter came to the Nile to bathe. She heard the baby cry, saw the basket, and pulled him out of the river. After she recognized him as a Hebrew, Moses’ sister approaches her and asked “shall I get a Hebrew woman to nurse the child for you?” She then returns Moses’ mom to Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh’s daughter paid his mother wages for nursing the baby. Pharaoh’s daughter named the child Moses because she “drew him out of the Nile”

Exodus then skips about 40 years. Moses is now grown and does not forget where he came from. He see a Hebrew man being beaten by an Egyptian, murders the Egyptian, then hides his body in the sand. Thinking no one saw this, he went about his day. The next day, Moses see two (2) Hebrew men fighting and asked one why he struck another. The Hebrew man asked, “do you mean to kill me like you did the Egyptian?”

Pharaoh hears of the incident and seeks to kill Moses. Moses runs from Pharaoh and goes to the land of Midian. (Midianites are descendants of Abraham)
While there, Moses marries, becomes a shepherd and settles down to a fairly normal life.

At the end of Chapter 2, the people are crying out to God to be saved from slavery. God remembers the covenant he made with Abraham and sets the rescue in motion.

Chapters 3 & 4: Moses is on Mt Horeb, which was called “the mountain of God”. This mountain is also known as Mt Siani. This is where Moses would be given the 10 Commandments.
Moses see a burning bush which is not being consumed, and approaches the bush. It is there that God tells Moses “go tell Pharaoh to let My people go”. Moses begins to make excuses as to why he shouldn't be the one to go. Moses looses the “argument” with God and returns to Egypt.

Chapters 5-11: God send the plagues. Pharaoh still refuses to let the people go.

Chapter 12: “The Lord struck down all the first born in the land of Egypt” because they did not make the animal sacrifice that God had commanded.

The Hebrew people were obedient to God and made the sacrifice and were saved from the Death Plague of the first born.

Chapter 13: Pharaoh lets the people go Chapter 14: The Hebrew cross the Red Sea Chapter 15: They celebrate

Chapter 16: The people complain saying they’d be better off back in Egypt because there they had something to eat. The Lord then sends the Manna from Heaven.

Chapter 17: The people complain because they have no water. God sends water from the rock.

Chapter 18-40: Have stories, such as, the giving of the 10 Commandments, the golden calf, and the building of the tabernacle.


Numbers 20 : God says to Moses “tell the rock to yield water” because the people were complaining . Moses strikes the rock in anger. God then says to Moses, “because you did not believe me, you shall not lead the people into the Promise Land”

Deuteronomy 34: God takes Moses up on Mt Nebo and shows him the land that He promised Abraham. God tells Moses, “I’ve let you see it with your eyes, but you shall not go over there.” Moses dies, and God buries his body.


In chapters 17 & 18, Amalek comes to fight with Israel. Moses tells Joshua “choose for us men, and go out and fight with Amalek”. Moses goes to the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hand. “Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and when he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed”. Aaron and Hurr held Moses’ hands up, “and Joshua

overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the sword”. The focus is on Moses’ hands for 2 reasons.

  1. 1)  that God had chosen Moses as the leader

  2. 2)  the fact that Moses’ hands grew tired, showed his human weakness.

God had surrounded Moses with a group of strong, brave, faithful men. Despite this, in Chapter 18, we find Moses trying to do everything on his own. His father in law tells him “you are not able to do it alone”.


Following Christ in this world isn’t easy. Being a Godly husband and dad isn’t easy. Facing trials and temptations isn’t easy. You can’t do these on your own. This is what the Band of Brothers is all about.


  1. 1)  What makes you “burn out”?

  2. 2)  What makes you want to quit?

  3. 3)  Are you trying to “go it alone” in any area of your life?

Content Copyright Belongs to New Horizons Christian Church