2025 21 Days of Prayer - Day 10 - Prayer for Healing

Series: 21 Days of Prayer

January 17, 2025
Ken Gosnell

Dear Heavenly Father, We come before today beleiving that you have the power to bring healing and restoration to the lives of leaders who call on your name. We acknowledge you as the Alpha and Omega and the beginning and end of all things. We ask that you come along side leaders who may have experienced wounds in their life and their leadership. We acknowledge you as the one who has the ability to heal. Lord, we call out to you as the One who knows all things, sees all things, and understands all things. You know the wounds and hurts that have impacted our life and you know all things about us, including the number of hairs on our head. Nothing is hidden from you. You know what we need to heal from, the hurts from others, and the hurts that we have brought on ourselves. Lord, we cry out to you in our pain and our suffering and ask that you replace our pain with vision, replace our sadness with joy, and replace our wounds with healing. Lord, you are the One that replaces the sorrow of the night with joy in the morning.

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